Design and personalisation of spray tin cans

As a common packaging container, spray tin cans have an important functional and decorative role to play in the packaging and brand image of a product. Designing and personalising aerosol tin cans can make a brand stand out in the marketplace. This is a survey I did in Europe (Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain). About three-quarters of aerosol products in Europe are personal care and home care products.

Aerosol packaging is mainly iron aerosol cans and aluminum aerosol cans

  • Among the 55.1% of personal care products, deodorants/antiperspirants accounted for the highest production share, with more than 1.66 billion cans produced. Next is hair gel ➡ shaving mousse/gel ➡ hair mousse ➡ other products.
  • Among the 21.1% of home care products, air fresheners accounted for the highest proportion, with a production volume of more than 530 million cans. Followed by insecticide/plant protection ➡ care products
  • Among the 23.8% of other aerosol products, paints & varnishes account for the highest proportion, with an annual output of approximately 300 million cans, followed by industrial and technical supplies, with an annual output of approximately 260 million cans.

It can be seen from this that its volume is very large. Therefore, if your spray product wants to stand out in this field, it is inseparable from the appearance design and personalization of the spray can.

Firstly, the design of an spray tin cans is one of the most important means of building a brand image and enhancing the value of a product. An attractive design can attract the attention of consumers and enhance brand recognition. Through unique shapes, lines and colours, aerosol tins can stand out in the marketplace and attract consumers to choose and buy.

Secondly, personalised spray tin cans can satisfy consumers’ desire for a unique product. Each brand and product has its own unique characteristics and positioning, and personalisation can make aerosol tin cans fit perfectly with the brand. Customers can choose the design, packaging print and graphics to suit their brand image and thus distinguish themselves in the marketplace.

spray tin cans

Spray tin cans:Considering design factors

1、Brand positioning and target audience: The positioning of the brand and the target audience should be considered during the design process. The positioning of different brands determines their style and design direction, while the preferences and needs of the target audience determine the orientation and expression of the design.

2、Innovative design: The design of an spray tin cans should be innovative and attractive. Innovations can be made through shapes, lines, materials and decorative elements to enhance the visual effect and user experience of the product.

3、Packaging printing and graphic design: Packaging printing and graphic design are an important part of aerosol tin can personalisation. Choose the right printing technique and graphic design to showcase the brand image and product features, while meeting market demand and consumer preferences.

4、Special customisation options: Providing special customisation options based on customer needs is key to personalisation. This can include custom sizes, shapes, spray nozzles and valves to suit different product usage needs and brand images.

Ultimately, working with a professional design team and manufacturer is key to achieving aerosol can design and personalization. Fanxun has rich experience and professional knowledge and can provide innovative design concepts, correct manufacturing processes and quality assurance,


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